Help us continue to make
If we can reach the youth of today, it is our future for tomorrow. This is the vision of Iron Horse Christian Youth Ranch. Susan Kamlan started IHCYR with a prayer for a mission field for youth in this community. Susan started with classes for Homeschool children to teach safety and quality horsemanship/riding instruction. The similarity of the relationship we can have with our Creator and the relationship we share with horses is a parallel in communication and yielding, and we wanted to share that relationship. We have been thankful through the past 15 years to help individuals grow in these relationships as it is foundation for Iron Horse Christian Youth Ranch.
This vision developed into the non-profit organization in 2005. Through the years, it has continued through the lesson fees and with the support of individuals by volunteering, donations from Compassion International, the Animal Assistance Fund, hay donations and the small and vital donations from individuals.
The ranch was started so that everyone would have an opportunity to interact with horses on an educational and spiritual level. Activities continue to include volunteer programs, free equine education classes, CHA riding instructors to ensure safety, responsible care, clear communication and quality horsemanship. We believe this will help to prevent harm for both horse and rider. Teaching leadership skills, mentoring opportunities with adult supervision will accomplish the desire to build character and confidence to all individuals which will help our community and our country. Susan has mentored many people through the years and believes IHCYR is a stepping stone for many to fulfill their own dreams and goals and lay the foundation for safety, horsemanship and understanding of horse their nature and the beauty God has designed in our relationships between ourselves and Him - Amazing!
THE HORSES: We hope you feel IHCYR is a place you want to be part of, and over time the love, spirit, and community of the Iron Horse Ranch will become part of you.The horses come to the ranch in a few different ways.
Many horse have come to us for care, training and rehab from injuries or mistreatment/neglect. Many of our special horses have been adopted into their forever homes or have received their angel wings such as Ruby, Chief, Cimmy, Rocket, Gigi, Lacy, Redmond, Sterling and Buttons were some of the best teachers and beautiful friends to many. They taught many children and adults to ride, and gave their love to us by making our lives better.
All the people and families who enjoy the horses and instruction contribute to the care and quality of the horses. This is done through the user fees, leasing, sponsoring, donation, and fundraising programs.
Ladybug This is our precious Ladybug, who had been a part of the ranch for years. The ranch went through a season where we needed to find homes for some our horses and Lady was gone for a time and came back, unfortunately, underweight, and in poor condition. A halter had been left on her causing depressions on the bridge of her nose that you can still see today. Thanks to friends of the ranch, they cared for her and helped get weight on her. and she has been a great help to many of the youth who love her dearly. She was recently adopted by a wonderful family who adopted Ladybug. She was at IHCYR, and now is with Karen Godell on a lease with the family who adopted her. She is thriving on Cushings Disease and jumping and in the best of care.
Lexi - a chain was used on this horse to keep her nose down in training! The scars were physically temporary but this type of inappropriate method had caused mistrust in this horse. Adopted.
Jordi and Titan -both were gelded Jordie was Adopted and Titan is now back with us ,
He was adopted, but Sarah recently moved to California and
was unable to take him with her, so we wil care for him and adopted him back.
Ginger's leg injury in the middle of healing. Ginger had an injury almost to the bone when she came. Her hooves were in
very poor condition and very overweigh.t Ginger was adopted by a student and moved to
in Arizona. Ginger was here for many years, trained to ride and
part of the school, She was dearly loved, while in Arizona she now has her wings.
Coco is her daughter.
Freddy - sweet and sensitive 31 yrs when he got his wings (he was 11 when he was donated)
November 2024 - He is dearly missed
Ladybug and our dear Misty who has her wings 2019
RASCAL - In his adopted home with Francine and Bill Althoff at Armada Bay, He has his wings 2021. DEACON has a new family.
Candy and Pima Medical Institute
The day they arrived at ihcyr.
Abby was later given to Erica Bakko and her daughter with no adoption fee after
assessment and the need for Gretta to grow and have a partner. Misty was getting too old for hard riding. Later our dear misty has her wings in 2019.Jordi, Titan, Frenchi, Abby, Deacon, Sammy were taken in by ihcyr
in 2015 when the Lazy K Ranch in Divide was sold and they needed
a place to go when all the horses needed moved. The horses were
spared going to auction and all needed training, various care.
The stallions tried to climb the pipe fencing after they arrived and were
gelded. Both Jordi and Titan are marvelous horses and adopted.
Titan is here at ihcyr and Jordi is in Wyoming
FRENCHI - Kind and loving boy!
Precious Friends - our Horses we care for now, and those we have over the years.
- Chief - Wings
- Cimmy - Wings
- Ruby - Wings
- Rocket - Wings
- Gigi, Lacy - Wings
- Redmond - wings
- Buster - different horse than the current Buster from 2017
- Sheba - wings
PJ -adopted
Smokey - adopted
Freddy 31 yrs TB - in the ihcyr programs- ha his wings November 2024
Misty 32 yr Arabian Mare- Sweet Girl has her wings, June 2019
Miss Kitty (Blondi), Little Joe - minis used in programs
Cuddles - private purchase to a private home on 40 acres.
Coco -Breeding Stock Paint Mare - in retraining from previous foster- ADOPTED 2021
Candy= Overo Blck/white Paint Mare -currently in ihcyr programs
Rosey - orphan filly - private owner
Sunshine - orphan filly - donated to a previous student
Sammy - Adopted
Rainbow - Adopted, Petals - wings
Black colt - wings
Buster - Adopted who was a state Park Trail horse
Frenchi - donated to a family - Peyton, CO
Paul - Adopted
Ladybug - Adopted
Two Sock donated to Colorado Therapeutic
Riding Center - Co Spgs, CO -
Willy - Adopted
Gus - Donated- Yoder, CO
Deacon - Adopted
Jeazebel - Adopted
Grulla Filly - Adopted
Kritter - Adopted
Morrow - Adopted
TB mare - Adopted
Frodo - Foster Care with Dr. Kim
Titan - purchased back by Susan and used for IHCYR - adopted by Baylee Yeaton
Jordi - Adopted
Abby - donated to Erika Bakko-
Orion - Adopted
Steve - back to previous owner
Reign - Adopted
Appy Mare - Adopted
Rascal - Adopted
Ranger- Adopted
Preacher - (Genesis) Donated
Jenny - donated
2 QH - donated
Sierra Rose - Mistys foal - Adopted
Ginger - Wings
Rascal - Adopted
Ranger- Adopted
Preacher - (Genesis) Donated
Ruby - wings
Buttons - wings
Rocket - wings
Willow (Ariel) donated in June 2019 used in programs- Thank you Trish for donating hay and a great winter blanket! Willow had developed severe arthritis, and now has her wings.
Haffy(changed her name from Ollie) her owners were able to take her back, she has her wings
Faith - mini donkey is part of ihcyr adipted from SafeLanding Rescure
Luna - adopted 2021 - family with land and cattle for their daughter - very special adoption
A&W n) Apollo/Woody) Palamino yearling colt - used in EAP/EAT at ihcyr
Naiche - 20 year old Mustang that was donated, he was loved on dearly and his stomach ruptured, so sade, now has his wings
Cody - 27 yrs old Paint - in current programs
Elvis - 28 yrs old Pain Draft Cross in current programs
Koichse -23 yrs old Paint Mangalara in current programs
Thelma - 23 yrs old Belgin Haflinger cross in current programs
Raven - 11 yrs old Miniature Horse in current programs
Shorty - miniature in current programs
Bubbles - miniature in current programs
Frosty - 6 yr old BLM Mustang in current Programs
Iris - Ferral Buckskin mare 9 yrs old was saved w
Atara - foal from Iris 2 yrs old
Woody - 3 yr old palomino gelding - was saved when he was 7 months old in current program
Strawberry - 15 year old Sabino Paint in current programs
Ranger - paint miniature gelding in current programs
Majesic - 20 yr Quarter Horse Gelding - in current programs
Thank you for Donating!
CAESA donating to Support horses through program.
Old English Sheepdog Rescue $15,000 donation! 2023 So very Thankful and timing was perfect for our needs!
Eddie Kennedy for her monthly support for Strawberry 2024 to current
Pima Medical School Labs coming again in the Spring 2021. and continue to come here currently. Check our Facebook page for dates and times. Thank you! They have been coming almost 16 years!
WE May need 6-7 more horses for spring shots and worming labs. CURRENT COGGINS IS REQUIRED. LAB DATES start next week TO THE FALCON LOCATION' Contact us to se if they are in need of additional horses for these Labs.
The families who come and support us through the classes and recommending us to your friends.
Previous Donors
Jan for occasional support for Titan.
Jill for donating in January 2020 to help support Freddy to have his hooves trimmed!
LeRoy for monthly support for Candy - greatly appreciate it!
Alicia for your donation through Pay Pal in August! So Thankful!
Set the Captives Free for their donation at Christmas!
Taylor - for donating to lease occasionally
Thank you Compassion International for your Volunteer groups coming to have service days this August and September, we so appreciate your prayers and volunteer time helping us paint, fence work, office work, and needed projects. So enjoyed getting to know the Team and appreciate all your time and help, fixing the sheds, painting, organizing, putting up lights, fencing, and your fellowship and encouragement, so grateful!
Thank you to Bennett Financial Service for Donating generously to us in 2019! God knew the timing and that we really were in need to continue our programs and care for the horses in our care and continue offing time for youth and adults as needed.
Bennett Financial Services can assist you in budgeting, financial planning and insurance needs. Contact: Ronald Bennett,
2514 W. Colorado Ave, Suite 207
Thank you to the individuals who generously donated on Network for Good for the necessary care and the well being of the horses!
KB Radiant Photography - Katie - Beautiful Unicorn photos with Miss Kitty - so beautiful! Contact her to set up your special photos! www.kbradiantphotography.com or kbradiantphotography@gmail.com
Board meeting to be scheduled in Spring 2021 - We had to be Qt due to Covid 19 in January of 2021. Changes to contact from Facebook to MeWe as a way to notify for cancellations and updates.
Donations made from doing EAT and EAL directly go for feed. Sessions are limited due to covid 19 and cold weather make it a slower season. Susan donates financially to support the horses and took out 2 Personal Covid Loans to help during the Covid 19 situation(these are not the SBA loans- we did not participate in the governmewnt loans).Susan makes monthly payments on the Loans. IHCYR Bank Statement : Ending balance December 31,2020 $12.16
Pikes Peak Community College Intern will begin an internship starting January 20, 2021 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dulley will be used for some sessions - and belongs to the Moffitt family- they support him for feed and care.
We are in prayer how to best serve and support the horses we have sanctuary - Coco was in trial adoptions and both times came back with needing alot of rehab. Titan was privately re-purchased from his adopted home, because of an out of state move. Manhattan passed of Colic November 2020, LeRoy Walter donated the vet and burial costs of $520 for Manhattan. We have a saddle that was donated and is currently on consignment at Equiline for sale, but it has not sold as of January 7, 2021. We are trying to think of fundraising ideas, its hard in these times with so many families not working and limited exposure to groups.
Susan shared how her time is limited for sessions with working again part-time and being available for her granddaughter. Susan shared how
its hard to have volunteers, since they seem to only want to ride, and not care for the horses, or leave gates open which is how Misty got hurt. Susan got hurt at the beginning of 2020 before taking horses to Villakids, it was a difficult situation, Susan was ran over, had to get her head stitched up, had a concussion and an arm injury. Susan contact the board to have additional guidelines put into place for equine sessions and how long youth can stay and or volunteer if not in a session. Volunteers need to be at least 18 and or be in current sessions or have experience to volunteer. Face time has helped meeting individuals interested in volunteering or sessions. due to Covid 19. Susan continues to do feeding,cleaning, putting up hay, holding horses for farrier, basic vet care, EAT with Abiding Hope Counseling , EAL sessions along with the Equine Education Class, and the WWH and AAH sessions .
It has been very nice to team up with Abiding Hope for the EAT sessions and the donations made by her for the use of the horses for the EAT sessions.
SAFETY: Hand washing stations in the summer have been installed by Danny Walter. Hand Sanitizing stations are in 5 locations. All equipment is sanitized between sessions and there is ample time margin for cleaning and gates, and chairs. Limited number of individuals and volunteers have all been implemented since March 2020 and will continue to operate in this manner. We will table spring and summer activities - Villa has not inquired about the summer and the sessions will be adjusted if we are approached .
Janet inquired about the mini days for Falcon Middle school - to offer field trips for their students.
Pima medical Institute completed 2020 spring and fall labs, and will begin Spring 2021 labs for shots and worming.
We continue to get a discount of $55 for farrier care for each horse and instead of it costing $75.
This concludes current business January 7, 2021.
Board Meeting 2020 scheduled for March and May. Agenda, WWH and AAH classes - Women's Bible Study. Focus on Safety for all students/members. Volunteer criteria, Ideas for fundraising for care of horses. Volunteer guidelines for WWH and AAH classes - area where there are no horses, care of tack, saddles, Equine Education.
Abiding Hope Counseling EAT/EAL using horses: upcoming Villa area and volunteers. Intake of Haffy and medication needs. Rented Pasture.
Met with Board members about safety concerns - Feb 13, 2020 meeting - helmets will be worn when grooming and all contact time. WWH and AAH will be combined on Saturdays and only Riding will be done by private CHA Instruction set up separately with a donation being made back to IHCYR. Any youth volunteering will not be in contact with horses unless they are in a class - during their class time.
Board Meeting 2019 - We discussed classes, pasture rental, Compassion International, and the Donations to the youth ranch to help us continue care and to rent facility for Villa. Changes in class structure and free ride time. Pima Medical Institute continued partnership and the Equine Education classes for the community.
A board Meeting will be held in August 2019 - date to be scheduled.
Donation of $1000.00 was made to IHCYR by Ronald, a member of Living Springs Church in May, 2019, Thank you so very much!
CURRENT bank balance on August 2, 2019-$ 28.03
Please email if you need a tax receipt for 2018 ihcyranch@yahoo.com
Board Meeting March 29, 2018 at office. 10:30am
Prayer - Susan Kamlan Devotional - keeping what we do for heavenly purpose.
Update- May 15, 2018 activities and Villa will be at a different location due to recent events. The office will remain at the current location.
Financials: December 31, 2017 Balance 54.67
Present - Susan Kamlan, Janet Notsch, Pat Umholtz, LeRoy Walter voted on issues coming to a vote the day prior.
Old Business: Cards were signed and will be sent to Erika ,Pete and Kristen. Update on resource center description and clarify purpose for IHCYR education classes.
New Business: All in favor to change the number of Board members to min of 3 from 5.
All in favor to have Annual Board meeting and members may call board meeting as needed throe to have on
ongoing discussions for taking in Rescue horses and rescues in 2017. Susan will continue to oversee care and labor
for horses and oversee volunteers.
Read resignation letter from Erika Bakko, thanking IHCYR and that time does not allow her to be as involved .
Update on Villa. schedule for Jan, Pat and volunteers.
Suggested to possibly do the smaller horsemanship days in the summer, Jan would like to volunteer.
Web update: Simplified site, board minutes posted.
Voted on member roles for Pres. and VP. VP will oversee operations and help to update inventory list. In the event something should happened to President. VP of Board will take over as President and manage oper
Meeting adjourned at 11:30
Financials: Prior years - Dec 31, 2017 Balance: $194.85
Board Meeting: Updates for 2017 - Voted to send cards to board members, thanking for service, to see where they would like to volunteer as they are available. Send out March 2018.
Board Meeting In April:
Present - Leroy Walter, Susan Kamlan, Janet Notsch, Kristin Unmoltz, Erika Bakko, Fundraiser Info sent by Pat Umholtz.
Service is a passion
Update on Insurance and programs impact - IHCYR to offer Equine Education and Resource Center all /Riding Instruction done by private CHA Instructors and carry their own insurance.
Fundraiser information for Panera presented.
Volunteers for Camps/vs paid. - Volunteers for camps
Cards will be sent to board members to see if they would like to continue on the Board as some members have had life changes.
Financial update.
Meeting adjouned - 1 hour in duration.
Agreed to meet as needed and Quarterly. Updates- meet/discuss on regular basis with Janet Notch, Susan Kamlan on Thursdays. Meetings monthly financial status . Camps now termed day
long lessons for VillaSport 2018.
We were meeting on a weekly basis with the board members who are actively involved in the daily operations and adoption/foster/leasing updates and care for the horses at IHCYR. Currently Erika Bakko began her own LLC, Kristen and Cassie have relocated to continue working on their OTA schooling and as Horse Leaders.
We Meet Bi Annually or as needed with formal Board meetings. We are currently working on setting up a Board meeting in April or May, 2017 to give time for the Board members to get their relocation situated. Susan is Currently caring for all the horses and lessons/volunteers, stall cleaning oversight, Equine Education Class and all activities . Pat Umholtz and Janet Notsch and Leroy Walter are supportive and available for direction and communication in the operations concerning the care and needs of the horses and students and volunteers in making decisions and policies.
Susan being the only CHA certified riding instructor was mentoring Erika Bakko for several years here at IHCYR. We wish her the very best in her New Business - Wildflower Equine Center with her Wildflower program.
Kesty Skuggs who was operating Chuckies Place at our location has also moved - we wish her the very best.
Many of the youth currently involved in IHCYR help volunteer and Susan has met with several individuals who are volunteering to help care for a specific horse by cleaning, grooming and in hand work with some of our rescue horses and Coco who is back for mental and weight rehab. Frodo was also returned, as he was in need of more work and time.
We currently have several horses that may need homes after our Villa Sport horse camps.
Dr. Bob Bakko mailed a letter of resignation dated 7/5/16 effective 7/15/16 from the Board at IHCYR and wished us well in our future endeavors.
Congratulations to Pete and Meg on their new baby girl! that keeps them busy.
Susan has contacted Janet Notch by phone to keep her updated on the facility and changes. Her work schedule makes it difficult to always meet, and is faithfully our Prayer Warrior!! Much Appreciated!!
Patricia Umholtz has suggested a Butter Braid Fundraiser, and is checking on it, it may be best to wait for a n upcoming holiday to have the fundraiser.
Susan financially supports the horses at IHCYR through teaching, donations or loans to pay for expenses. - which at some time will hopefully paid back.
Lesson fees were increased to help pay for stall cleaning for the IHCYR horses and cost for care for the horses.
Susan is praying about and would like to offer free youth classes for children involved in TESSA - it has been on her heart for a long time - years and is hoping to get moving on that passion.
Many Changes in 2016 and moving into 2017!
December 30, 2015
Susan Kamlan, Erika Bakko, Kristen Umholtz, Cassie Hollers,Dr.Bakko, Pete Candelaria
Agenda: Overall report and financial updates: Susan
OLD BUSINESS: Things that went well in 2015- projects, fundraising, community volunteer day, harvest festival, fb page, full year with new web page, more students for lessons.
Things to improve moving forward -Foster program for horses.
Update on community service program.
NEW BUSINESS: lesson costs, boarding costs for youth ranch horses, leasing fees.
Board roles and involvement. Camps for 2016Villa camps and IHCYR camps- paid staff positions and volunteers
Discussion for more income/revenue streams,Grants.
Valentine's Day danceFundraiser for Mya, horse and sibling program, wildflower program CHA training, possibly holding a small CHA event at the barn.
Where can we shine brighter in 2016?
Agreed to meet as needed and Quarterly. Updates- meet/discuss on regular basis with Janet Notch, Susan Kamlan on Thursdays. Meetings monthly financial status . Camps now termed day
long lessons for VillaSport 2018.
